The history of the Domaine le Chapon
The members of the PIQUAND family are artisan winegrowers from father to son for several generations. They work their vines with passion on the slopes of Juliénas.
After WW2, Vincent and Valentine, the first generation, operated 3ha of vines, sold only to traders.
Then Marius and Maryline, installed in 1972 (the second generation), created the G.F.A of Coteau des Mouilles in the 90s and extended the operation to reach 10ha of vines. They began to develop direct sales to costumers.
Aside from Marius and Maryline, Sébastien and Nadia are creating their own domain, on 10ha of vineyard. The wine is then marketed mainly to traders.
They work together on the two farms, until the retirement of Marius and Maryline.
The domain goes into reasoned pest management.
This is the start of new working methods, ment to be more respectful of the environment.
After several difficult years and a deep restructuring (with the dorpping of the vines sold to merchants) the estate changes its course. In the continuity of Sébastien's parents, the estate is moving towards direct sales.
We take over the Domaine Le Chapon, created in 1973 by Jean and Marie-Thérèse Buiron, friends to our parents, when they retire in 2006.
We keep the name of the domain, which by parenthesis evokes in Beaujolais a "graft of vine" ... and not a poultry.
The range of wines expands to Saint-Amour, Délice de Valentine, Péché des Anges and we hold new gastronomic fairs and fairs.
We also take over the farm from Sébastien’s parents, which has grown up to 14 hectares of vines in total.
Being aware of environmental issues, we obtain the HVE level 3 certification, which meets a benchmark comprising 16 efficient requirements for the environment.
We are starting to work our soils again, respecting them and limiting herbicide and phytosanitary treatments.
Following environmental requirements and wishing to remain on a human and family scale, we decide to reduce operations and keep only the vines that we own.
We currently operate 9 hectares of vines, two-thirds sold for direct sale in bottles, the rest going in cooperation, to the Cave de Juliénas Chaintré.